EU Trans Reg ID: 221589017973-83

European Alliance for Vision Research & Ophthalmology

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ACT-EU Initiative

The EU EYE has been appointed as an ad hoc member to the Multistakeholder Platform Advisory Group, which provides strategic advice regarding the ACT EU workplan; operational advice for ACT EU initiatives; and identifying experts, stakeholder priorities and engagement methodology. The EU EYE will be represented by Luc van Os.


The ACT-EU initiative is a joint effort by the European Commission, the Heads of Medicines Agencies, and the European Medicines Agency to transform the clinical trials landscape in the European Union. The aim is to foster innovation, quality, and efficiency in clinical research, and to better integrate it with the European health system.

Member of the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Stakeholder Network

The EU EYE has been appointed by the European Commission as a member of the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Stakeholder Network. The organisation will be represented by João Barbosa Breda.

The active participation of the EU EYE in the implementation of HTA Regulation will ensure a balanced representation in terms of relevant know-how and geographical coverage. The HTA Stakeholder Network has been established to assist the European Commission in the implementation of the HTA Regulation across the EU. The selected organisations will support the work of the Member State Coordination Group on HTA and its subgroups.

Increasing awareness about the challenges faced by our specialties at national level can benefit eye patients as a whole.

Joint statement on European
Health Data Space

Recommendations to ensure the full potential of digital transformation

Medical Terms Simplifier & Regulatory Terms Explained

View the terms outlined below

Financial Information

In line with European Union transparency requirements, we present the overview of finances over the past years.
EU EYE is registered with the EU Transparency Register under No 221589017973-83.

Shortage of medicines

Check on ongoing medicine
shortages in the EU

Interested in eye health?
From bench to bedside

Eye for Experts

A platform that informs and assists our members when applying to calls for external advice in Working Groups, Panels and Scientific Committees of the European Commission and EU agencies.

Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World

Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World

Find Out More

European Medicines Agency

News and More information

For more information about our activities or how to get involved in our work at EU level

Contact us

Please Note: The EU EYE is happy to consider any inquiry on eye health by any citizen in the EU and beyond.
If you are contacting the EU EYE on a personal health matter, please state your question and what
help you expect from the EU EYE but kindly do not send any medical files at this stage for safety and
security reasons.
We will let you know what else is needed, after we examine your inquiry.

EU Transparency Register ID 221589017973-83

Demonstrating our commitment to transparency

The Register of Interest Representatives is part of the European Transparency Initiative of the European Commission.
It aims to inform citizens about which interest group or organisation is lobbying the European institutions
and the amount of resources being used to this end.