EU Trans Reg ID: 221589017973-83

European Alliance for Vision Research & Ophthalmology

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What is EU EYE

The European Alliance for Vision Research and Ophthalmology (EU EYE) is a non-profit pan European group formed in 2015.

We draw from the experience of our community of patients and clinicians across Europe with an ambition to build a respected forum which brings medicine, science, education and advocacy together and is accessible to all – citizens, decision makers, research and healthcare workforce.

As a partner to the European Innovation Partnership on Active Healthy Ageing since December 2017, we advocate for people-centred eye health care with an on-going commitment to the integration of research priorities, policies and strategies in eye health at European level.

We maintain a varied portfolio of activities with the aim to open up the space for the patient empowerment process and the creation of new translational and fundamental research networks in our discipline.

We strive to mediate between high and bottom-up actions while building our shared vision of a digitally transformed healthcare that is part of the European Research Area while improving standards for eye health globally.
We strongly believe that registry- and biobanking based research can build medical knowledge and guide the process of improvement of health systems across Europe.
We want to ensure continued support for the pilot efforts of our members in setting up European clinical quality registries to study, benchmark and improve patient care and health outcomes. Our long-term goal is to develop multicentre international clinical trial studies following the Good Clinical Practice regulations.

The essence of our alliance is to advance interdependence and inspire collaborative work while recognizing members’ independence. Our member organisations maintain their own links to their national equivalent societies with some having committees specifically assigned to identify areas where national societies can provide experience that would be of value in Europe at large. Members hold international congresses, courses, wetlabs and exams in each subspecialty and support the next generation by harmonising education and providing fellowships and world renowned training programmes.

EU EYE constituency comprises of ophthalmological societies representing over 9,000 medical specialists active in clinical medicine, research, education and training in 100 countries.

EU-EYE Board


Carlo TraversoCarlo Traverso  EGS Representative


Jesper HjortdalJesper Hjortdal  EEBA Representative


Martin ZinkernagelMartin Zinkernagel  EURETINA Representative

Board members

Marie-José TassignonMarie-José Tassignon Representative
Board Member
Thomas FuchslugerThomas Fuchsluger  EVER Representative
Board Member
Board Member José Güell   Eu Cornea Representative
Board Member
Board Member Hendrik Scholl EVI REPRESENTATIVE
Board Member
Board Member Darius Hildebrand EPOS Representative
Board Member

EU EYE Representatives at EU level

Mor DickmanMor Dickman European Medicines Agency
Dominique Brémond-GignacDominique Brémond-Gignac European Medicines Agency
Luc van OsLuc van Os Multistakeholder Platform Advisory Group
Joao Breda BarbosaJoão Breda Barbosa Health Technology Assessment Network

EU-EYE Bye-Laws

Updated bylaws coming soon!

Financial and Disclosure

View Here

Annual Report

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Financial Information

In line with European Union transparency requirements, we present the overview of finances over the past years. EU EYE is registered with the EU Transparency Register under No 221589017973-83.

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023


Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World

Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World

Find Out More

European Medicines Agency

News and More information

For more information about our activities or how to get involved in our work at EU level

Contact us

Please Note: The EU EYE is happy to consider any inquiry on eye health by any citizen in the EU and beyond.
If you are contacting the EU EYE on a personal health matter, please state your question and what
help you expect from the EU EYE but kindly do not send any medical files at this stage for safety and
security reasons.
We will let you know what else is needed, after we examine your inquiry.

EU Transparency Register ID 221589017973-83

Demonstrating our commitment to transparency

The Register of Interest Representatives is part of the European Transparency Initiative of the European Commission.
It aims to inform citizens about which interest group or organisation is lobbying the European institutions
and the amount of resources being used to this end.