EU Trans Reg ID: 221589017973-83

European Alliance for Vision Research & Ophthalmology

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Geographical map of members

Eye Complications Study Group (EASDec).

The Association under British law “European Association for the Study of Diabetes”, “EASDec” Eye Complications Study Group (EASDec).

EASDec is a study group of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) with special responsibility for the study of the eye complications of diabetes.
Its aim is to promote the advancement of knowledge of all aspects of diabetic retinopathy, including epidemiology, pathology, pathophysiology, investigation and treatment through active collaboration between ophthalmologists and diabetologists.

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European Eye Bank Association

The technical-scientific Association formed for the advancement of eye banking, the “European Eye Bank Association”, “EEBA”.

The Association is formed for the advancement of eye banking. Its Mission is to help provide tissues and cells of optimum quality and safety for transplantation and the treatment of eye diseases, according to the highest medical and scientific standards, and making them available to as many patients in need as possible in an ethical and humanitarian way, in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and applicable national and international laws and regulations.

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European Glaucoma Society

The Scientific Association under Swiss law “European Glaucoma Society”, “EGS”

The society is a non-profit organisation. The vision of the EGS is to promote the best possible well being and minimal glaucoma-induced visual disability in individuals with glaucoma within an affordable healthcare system. The aims of this society are:

  1. To establish personal contacts and to promote the exchange of knowledge between glaucoma specialists in Europe.
  2. To stimulate, compare and register glaucoma research in Europe
  3. To promote the diffusion of specific knowledge to the general ophthalmologists in Europe.
  4. To keep contact with similar glaucoma groups in other continents.

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European Society of Cornea & Ocular Surface Disease Specialists, “EuCornea”

European Society of Cornea & Ocular Surface Disease Specialists, “EuCornea”

The Society is a non-profit, scientific organisation active in Europe and whose purpose is in particular:

  1. To promote the dissemination of the highest level of knowledge in the field of ophthalmology and specifically in cornea and ocular surface disease among ophthalmologists and the public
  2. To encourage, support and register scientific research in the field of cornea and ocular surface disease in Europe
  3. To promote the dissemination of the highest level of knowledge in the field of ophthalmology and specifically in cornea and ocular surface disease among ophthalmologists and the public
  4. To promote an efficient collaboration with similar organisations worldwide which contribute to progress in the field of cornea and ocular surface disease

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European Society of Retina Specialists”, “EURETINA”

The non-profit organisation registered with the Charities Commission in the UK “European Society of Retina Specialists”, “EURETINA”

The aims of the society are the promotion of science, research and education, in particular

  1. The establishment of personal contacts and promotion of the exchange of knowledge between vitreoretinal and macula specialists in Europe
  2. The stimulation and encouragement of vitreoretinal and macula research in Europe
  3. The promotion of the diffusion of specific knowledge to the general ophthalmologists
  4. The keeping of contact with similar groups outside Europe.

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European Association for Vision and Eye Research

The non-profit organisation under Belgian law “European Association for Vision and Eye Research”, “EVER”

The aims of the Association are to encourage research and the dissemination of knowledge concerning the eye and vision by means of meetings, publications and exchange of information.
EVER is the leading ophthalmological research association in Europe which covers all areas of ophthalmology and the visual sciences.

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European Vision Institute (EVI EEIG)

European Vision Institute Clinical Research Network (

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An independent European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG) established in 2010 in accordance with the Council Regulation (EEC) n.º 2137/85.

The is a network of European ophthalmological clinical research sites coordinated by the Association for Innovation and Biomedical Research on Light and Image (AIBILI), Coimbra, Portugal.

The has 100 Clinical Site Members from 15 European countries.

The is dedicated to perform multinational clinical research in ophthalmology in compliance with the European Clinical Trials Regulation and harmonised standard operating procedures (SOPs).

The network aims to strengthen the capacity of the European Union to study the determinants of ophthalmic diseases and to develop and optimise the use of diagnostic, prevention and treatment strategies in ophthalmology.

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Educational Programme:

European Paediatric Ophthalmological Society (EPOS)

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Associate Members


Aniridia-Net CA18116 COST action

ANIRIDIA-NET is a pan-European bottom-up network of researchers, ophthalmologist, trainees, aniridia patients organizations, industry and special interest groups.

ANIRIDIA-NET has over 200 members from 28 countries and it continues to expand its inclusive EU network stimulating knowledge generation for the evidence-based clinical management of aniridia.

Its goal is to improve disease management by coordinating and building capacities in aniridia research and development of novel diagnostics and treatments.

ANIRIDIA-NET is supported by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) program and it is an Associate Member of the EU EYE, represented by Professor Neil Lagali.

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Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World

Active and Healthy Living in the Digital World

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European Medicines Agency

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EU Transparency Register ID 221589017973-83

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